I love this quote from one of our sisters/nominators. This is the feeling behind our next baking bomb. While you are going to be doing the baking and the delivering, it is bigger than that as it is our entire group all working jointly to spread as much joy as we can during these 2 days.
I am asking anyone who is interested in doing a little baking/sharing to sign up to bake a treat for someone of your choice - family, friend, neighbor, coworker, church aquaintaince, etc. I will supply a special tag to attach and then on Oct. 20/21, we are going to bomb these friends/family/neighbors with a little bit of sister hug love. You can choose to leave it anonymously or you can deliver it in person. I will be sharing pictures of our NZ sisters' bombs but presentation is part of the specialty. You can bake anything that shares the love - a favorite recipe or a new fall experiment. We are working to brighten as many hearts as we can during that weekend so if you choose to do more than one bomb, that's great, if you only want to do one, that is fine, too. I am asking for each of you to take a picture of your baking bomb before you deliver and we will make our own baking album - I can't wait to see how many bombs we can do in one week-end!!! I've already picked one neighbor in particular that I can't wait to bomb but am looking to see who else I can surprise with some love on Oct. 20/21. I will also be doing some intense pinteresting for new ideas - anyone else with me?!!
MMMM...looking pretty tasty!! :) Those of you who are following but not around here - we would definitely love to have you spreading the love in your state/city as well. Tags will be available for everyone interested.
My email is: sisterhugs19@gmail.com