Sister Hugs is a group of women who strive to let others know that they are never alone, that someone cares about them and what they do. Our mission is to lighten a load, spread a smile, give a hug.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Twisted ideas
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Happy hearts
Monday, June 9, 2014
Nana's Place

I can never tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing when my mind is whirling with ideas. I know it's bad for sleeping!!! I'm excited that others seem interested in the winery outing and our Intentional Kindness Day. Both should be good for the heart, in different ways.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Intentional Kindness Day
1) of the hardest things about being homeless and on the streets is not being acknowledged. As someone in need, it is worse when people simply ignore you and pretend you don’t exist rather than simply being blatantly rejected. He told me he’d rather someone make eye contact and reject his request for money or food than to simply pretend he doesn’t exist.
2) When I asked him what were the most helpful things someone could GIVE him he told me: 1) A night in a hotel. It gives a person a chance to shower, shave, sleep in a bed, and feel like a human. 2) Water and socks. Water made sense to me but socks? When I asked him to explain he told me how a lot of his time is spent walking. If he doesn’t have socks or they are worn down too thin, he would get blisters quickly. Not good for a person dependent on walking with no first aid kit