Sister Hugs
Sister Hugs is a group of women who strive to let others know that they are never alone, that someone cares about them and what they do. Our mission is to lighten a load, spread a smile, give a hug.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Memories of simpler days
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Back to the basics...
Saturday, December 26, 2015
New Beginnings
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Thursday, June 25, 2015
Blast from the past...or return to our roots...
I just returned from vacation and as always, am more tired than ever, but so spiritually renewed. How exactly does that happen?!
I absolutely LOVE Sister Hugs and sometimes have a hard time understanding why everybody isn't as completely smitten by it. Why everyone isn't in line waiting for the next activity, the next love bomb building, the next response. Why other living rooms are not full of chairs waiting for a complete transformation for the chair-ity event. Why others don't have July 5 circled in a big red circle on their calendars for our SH shopping trip to celebrate our anniversary....why few have stopped by to see Boomerang and offered to paint...
I question myself daily as to what I could be doing, what I'm not doing, how I can share this joy with all of you and help you to feel the joy in your hearts, too. What am I doing wrong? But then God reminds me that my job is simply to love and to share the love. When it's right for you, you'll be there. When it's not...well, then it's not.
But you know what? It's all good.
I pulled up the SH Facebook page and went back to 2012. Everything was fresh. Everything had a purpose. Everything was exciting. We had prayer warriors and need beyond belief. We had people craving to do for others. We had people sharing others with needs. We had people wanting to help. We had joy in the giving.
It is now 2015. Things are still fresh, there's still purpose. Things are still exciting. We still have prayer warriors and need beyond belief. We have people craving to do for others and people sharing needs and desiring to help. We still have joy in giving
. What has changed?? Some of the faces, some of the names; others are still the same. As word spread, our name became more widespread, but maybe a little less personable. In 2012 we had people sharing food and gifts and talents. We still do, but I'm not sure everyone realizes the need for each and every one of YOU! We are still a tiny, sweet little group of people who just want to spread a little love, one person at a time, to touch as many hearts as we can. I'm going to return to our roots a little by sharing more of our needs and our love bombs. I'd love for you to continue sharing your hearts and talents with us.A post from 2012...
"I want to give a HUGE shout out to three wonderful women and their businesses. The first is Jen Hieb Leetch and her business, Photojenics Photography. She is a cancer survivor (YEA!!!) and has offered a photoshoot to someone going through and having gone through their own battle with this evil disease. We are currently working on an offer.
Huge heart woman #2 - Barb Brown who owns Shutter Bug Photography has offered to do a free photoshoot/pictures for a lady with children who might not be able to currently afford this treat. We connected her with our own Kerrie (remember this sweet mama of three whom we bombed earlier?) and they are getting together Oct. 22 for a fun day.
Huge heart woman #3 - Lisa Sperandio-harp, owner of Harp Strings. She has offered to set up a facebook show with us and on this specific date and time, any sisters who like her page will be in a drawing for a free prize - if you order something and put the word "Bomb" in the message, Sister Hugs will get 20% wihich we could use to get a special G.C. for special sister gift.
All so very cool and all were thinking outside the box - I love it!! Thanks ladies!! And sisters, please check them out and let them know how much we appreciate them.
Those 3 offers were all from 2012 and not from my immediate area. Our requests for love come from all across the U.S. Your gifts may be exactly what it takes to brighten someone's day, an act that etches on a heart forever!
Your next opportunity to join an activity is July 5. A few of us...right now I believe that number is 3, but sure to grow as the day grows closer, are meeting at 1:00 to go shopping. We have a specific recipient who will be shared soon, and we are each contributing $10 to splurge on gifts for her. We will then combine our gifts, add notes of love and encouragement, and send it off to brighten her day. Do any of us know her? No, but that's all the more reason for us to reach out and offer our token of a hug. Another group of people live farther away and have plans for the day. Is that stopping them??? Of course not! They have a family reunion, but each are bringing an item to combine for the recipient of their choice, adding notes of love, and sending it off to brighten a day. I don't know if they know their recipient either, it's all about being the hands of Jesus whenever and wherever we can. If you're nearby, join us. If you're not, grab your own family or friends. Most of us spend $10 very easily - chose to use it on another. Not a bad investment for a smile and a heart tattoo. (Little do you know that I'm talking about your smile, your tattoo.)