Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Giving to those in need

"Ours is not to judge" yet most of us do. 

"You have no idea what somebody else is going through" but many of us think we know best.  

When Sister Hugs originated, (July, 2012) our thought was to Love Bomb those who needed an extra hug and possibly weren't getting enough.  We weren't seeking the highly publicized hearts, those with Fundraisers and newspaper articles, but rather the quiet lady on the corner without visitors.  However, apparently God had other plans because we have love bombed everyone, old and young, well-known and not as much.  Men, women, boys and girls.  What have we learned?  Ours is not to judge who most needs love and who doesn't. We've also learned that God does approve of this mission.  He lets us know very clearly when something is His plan and when it's actually not!  He controls timing and gut instinct and even uncanny coincidences.  As one of our teachers likes to say, "I can't make this stuff up!" - Mail that's delayed a week and then arrives exactly when needed, random meetings with former recipients who happen to be the one picture chosen for our flyer, items placed in a love bomb that create notes such as "you had no way of knowing this, but that verse was the same one we read at the funeral..." And so forth.  Letting go and letting Him lead is not always easy, but it is always right.  Sounds like life, doesn't it?! 

We've had a few roadblocks to some of our adventures in the past and it's not easy to let go and move forward, but we do.  We are adding our Baby Hugs,
and I'm not completely sure where it will lead us, but it does feel right, and it feels like a "baby step" towards Nana's Place.  "Speak, Lord, we're listening.  Come show us the way."  I hope you feel invited and welcome to follow the path with us.  

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