Friday, October 5, 2012


We did a fast Love Bomb this week - how joyous to be able to get a request and fill it almost immediately.  Thank you for stocking our supply so generously.  Sometimes the need is one that we can work on for a few weeks and sometimes the need is immediate and a hug needed NOW.  In this case, I asked sisters who knew her to also send notes - I can only imagine how much they will mean to her.  Whether we have our regular Love Bombs or baking bombs or color bombs or shining light bombs(yep, that's a new one!), a note is going to be the special touch that grabs the heart and makes the bomb personal and meaningful.  I include a note with every bomb that goes out - would love to have your notes too.  Today we had about 10 notes included in the bomb - what a gift!

Baking bombs are going out in 2 weeks.  Look at the list I received via email yesterday - these two are going to be making a huge difference in the hearts of many women in a couple of weeks -

ok, I can't actually share the list with you right now because some of you might be on this list:)  However, it ended with the fact that they have ELEVEN people on their list and expect to make it 12 - wonderfully crazy!!! 

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