I see that I haven't written since the tasty times of preparing for our baking bombs - what fun that was and how delightful it was to meet/work with some of you. It was also SOOO rewarding to be able to show so many first responders how much we appreciate them and what they do.
Many of you have stated that you would like the opportunity to be more hands on and meet/work with others, too. That is a dream of mine that maybe someday I (we) can figure out the logistics. We are working on continuing to have more activities, too. January looks to be a busy month - when most people are slowing down after the holidays, we are gearing up to move full speed ahead!
January Activites:
**$$ collection for books for Sandy Hook Elementary. We will be collecting donations throughout January and then purchasing books of comfort for the teachers to use in their classrooms or for personal use. Our counselor, Bambie, is helping us with a list of appropriate books.
**Single mom of 3 - one of whom is autistic - always putting others' needs first - works full time - could use a hug as life is pretty tough.
**Mother recently diagnosed with breast cancer - looking for some support and some positive vibes directed her way.
**This sister had a rough 2012 and is looking for a much improved 2013. During the past year, her husband was diagnosed with a disease and given medicine for it. He continued to worsen, while she took over the family business and tended to him. He was near death when she finally took matters into her own hands and got him in to see a new doctor. They discovered that the medicine he was on was actually eating away his body, due to his disease. He is improving now, but she has been the rock through it all, and could use a moment of "me" time and attention.
**Local teacher who had routine surgery but failed to get better. Instead, her health quickly went downhill and she had to take a leave from teaching. While she is back at it this year, it completely wipes her out. We are arranging local sisters to make meals that can be frozen and pulled out for her extra rough days when cooking is out of the question. She is married with two active sons.
**Nurse whose family recently lost their barn and home to a fire during one of those vast fire outbreaks last fall. Technically the house is still standing, but is unlivable due to smoke damage. While working, she apologized for the appearance of her hands - they were stained from trying to scrub soot from her home.
**Young mom whose well-baby check up turned into a famly nightmare as the baby was diagnosed with leukemia. They have great family support but we want to pamper the mom as all of her attention is focused on the little one.
**Single mom of 2 with numerous health issues of her own is a big advocate for her younger son who has serious health issues. Recently, on top of other issues, he was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. She continues to have a huge sense of humor and wonderful outlook on life.
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