Saturday, October 6, 2012

Thankful....We have so much to be thankful for - included at the top of the list is YOU!!  All of you bring such happiness to my day - and remind me of my many blessings.  I have health, family, friends, food, joy, employment, and purpose.  I have my faith, which enables me to get through the trials and value my gifts. I have Sister Hugs, which has provided me a great joy of giving.  The more we give, the more I want to continue giving more and more.  It is a beautiful cycle that I hope you are all able to experience too, through Sister Hugs.  Since November is the month that we concentrate on giving thanks, I want to continue with our normal Love Bombs.  I have had a number of requests already -
*for a mom who lost her little girl and is expecting a new baby - bittersweet blessings...
*for a friend who is really missing her old job - a job she excelled at - she is great at her new job but it's not her passion and meeting her talents to the fullest.
*for a friend who recently found out she has cancer and the outlook is pretty scary.
*for a friend who has health issues to deal with concerning family and herself, yet she is always the first to be on hand for anyone needing ANYTHING.  Deals with a lot of stress yet is always the strong one.
*for a friend whose family was displaced with last year's flooding, then this year's drought.  She works two jobs to help make ends meet yet always faces each day head on, ready to go.

These and any more that we can meet will be our November Love Bombs - for December, I would love to reach out to women who may not have much and try to do a little bigger bombing - for example:

*I am waiting to hear back about a Grandma who has taken in her grandchildren.  It hasn't been easy but they are doing their best.
*for a friend whose husband is hospitalized with probable West Nile - they have 4 young children and she's not sure how she's going to have ends meet.

I am open to any other nominations for a regular November Love Bomb or a needs based December love bomb.  Let me know if you know of someone who could use a special Sister Hugs Love Bomb!!  (BTW, these friends aren't people that I know, they have all been nominated by sisters and are their friends, or friend of a friend)  If any touch your heart in particular, and you'd like to donate specifically to one of them, let me know with your donation that intention. 

I know that I get a little strapped for $$ in December with my own Christmas shopping.  For that reason, I am putting out this plea early in the hopes that we can still generously help some sisters without straining ourselves.


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